Canada: Prayer for the world’s poorest people

Written by Super User 24 May 2010

Canadian intercessors would welcome our support as they prepare for a weekend of continual day and night intercession for the G8 and G20 summit on June 25-27 in Ontario. The Luke 18 Weekend of prayer and worship hosted by Houses of Prayer from all over Canada will cry out to God to establish justice for the world’s poorest peoples. Pray that God will raise up, envision and inspire many Canadians in the coming weeks to engage in this event and in His purposes for the nations. Also consider joining with our Canadian brothers and sisters to cover the summits - the only constants are: a focus on justice for the poor with positive scripture based prayers of faith in what God will do. The organizers are designing a communications hub available to IHOPS that are registered to share what God is saying as they pray. This networking will encourage others and the on-site teams in Toronto and Huntsville.

Pray: for the delegates to have a servant heart towards other nations and be led by God’s spirit in all decisions made. (Is.54:1)


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