Canada: Releasing prayer

Written by Super User 19 Oct 2013

Two of Canada's national prayer ministries are touring Canada throughout October and November to release a culture of prayer in the nation. Already in Victoria and Vancouver strong prayer released a fresh motivation for more people to become involved in the powerful ministry of prayer. We can join the Canadian call to prayer in the coming weeks asking God for a great harvest! Ask the Lord to send out labourers, to soften hearts, to draw the hungry. Pray for the new churches plants springing up everywhere and other planned missions in the land. God desires to change the spiritual climate of whole cities, and wants to use the Church as his primary change agent. Pray for the city church to unite around the unique strategy he grants to each city for advancing the Kingdom and being salt and light. Pray also for Businesses to be dedicated to Kingdom purposes.

Pray: for many instances of breakthrough across the nation at such a time as this. Pray for the Church to awaken to her first love for the Lord and be renewed in love for one another and the lost. (2Ch.7:14)



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