Canada: March for life May 9th,

Written by Super User 29 Apr 2013

Canadians are the only western nation with no protection for the unborn. Each year at the National March For Life thousands gather to demand protection for children before and after birth. Last year almost 20,000 pro-lifers assembled on Parliament Hill and marched through downtown Ottawa to inform Canadians how they treat the unborn. This year Provincial Marches For Life will also take place simultaneously across Canada, drawing thousands more. Since 1969 over 4 million children have been killed by abortion in Canada. This year another 100,000 babies will be put to death at taxpayer expense while society turns a blind eye. This event is an opportunity for people of all ages to join in the civil rights movement of our day. We are asked to pray during the coming weeks many will make the decision to add their voices to the cry on behalf of the unborn Canadians.

Pray: for God to use these events to shift public opinion across the nation. Pray for a softening of hearts and a true awareness of the need for the law to change in Canada. (Mat.10:29-30)



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