Bangladesh: Christian activist hiding In Hong Kong

Written by Super User 01 Sep 2011

He was tortured for his Christian faith, but still wanted to ‘sing the songs of David.’ He was naked, but ‘Jesus Christ’ clothed him ‘with His Love.’ Words of Christian rights activist William Nicholas Gomes, a former Muslim who fled rough police and Islamic extremists in his native Bangladesh. Gomes confirmed Thursday, August 25, that he now lives in Hong Kong. ‘I have received a visa for six months.’ But the young man misses his young wife and two small sons. ‘I am afraid that Muslim fundamentalists will do something bad to her and kill my young sons. They already attacked our house,’ he added in an extensive interview with BosNewsLife. Gomes spoke after a High Court in Bangladesh reportedly ordered police and angry Muslims on Wednesday, August 24, to stop harassing his family in the capital Dhaka. ‘But I don't think it will help as there is no rule of law in Bangladesh,’ he cautioned.

Pray: for the protection of the Gomes family and that the authorities would stand by their word. (Ps.5:11)


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