Bangladesh: Buddhist extremists capture Christians

Written by Super User 18 May 2010

Buddhist members of an armed rebel group and their sympathizers have been holding three tribal Christians captive in a pagoda since April 16th. They were severely beaten to try to force them to return to Buddhism. Pastor Shushil Jibon Talukder aged 55 was bludgeoned nearly to death; Bimol Kanti Chakma aged 50; and Laksmi Bilas Chakma aged 40 were also severely beaten and all three are to be kept in a pagoda for 15 to 20 days as punishment for having left the Buddhist religion a Christian source said. Local Buddhists are considered powerful as they have ties with the United Peoples Democratic Front, an armed group in the hill districts. After taking the men captive the following day the armed extremists seized all blankets, Bibles and song books from the Maddha Lemuchari Baptist Church and then forced the congregation to demolish the Church building with their own hands.

Pray: for the captives to receive a powerful touch of the Holy Spirit with comfort and inner strength and for the congregation to also experience God’s embrace at this time. (Is.66:24)



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