Bangladesh: Christian children vulnerable

Written by Super User 03 Jan 2013

Children of Bengali believers from Muslim background are vulnerable. They are a minority in their communities and being identified as Christians poses danger to their lives and their future. When they go to schools, they are taunted, bullied, and pressured by classmates and teachers alike. Twelve-year-old Urmi lived in a predominantly Muslim village. She kept her faith hidden for as long as she could remember. ‘I have many friends in school,’ said Urmi, who belonged to a family of six. ‘The teachers are good and kind to me. But they don't know that my family and I are Christians. My teacher lives in our village and she knows that we are Christians, but I don't think she'll tell it to others. Pray for us - If people (in our village) find out, they might kill us,’ Urmi added.

Pray: for Muslim Background Believers in Bangladesh that God will give them boldness and protection as they practice and share their faith. (Ac.4:29)


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