Afghanistan: Pilgrimage aftermath

Written by Super User 26 Nov 2010

Last week many travelled the Hajj route to perform a series of rituals believing it will bring them forgiveness. Often they go at great personal sacrifice and expense on this once in a lifetime trip that is required by their religion. We are asked to pray that as pilgrims return home they will realize the futility of their efforts and that they would have opportunities to hear the Gospel and turn to Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins. Pray that the Church of Jesus Christ will grow in this the second poorest country in the world. Many of the women there have a hard life of poverty and abuse, with no rights and are controlled by their husbands or relatives. We are asked to pray for foreign workers teaching and working with these women, and pray also that the husbands and/or relatives of the women will continue to allow foreigners to meet with and teach them.

Pray: for God's mercy and grace to bring more signs, wonders and revelations of Him to the people of Afghanistan. (Ac.4:12 )


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