Afghanistan: Prayer for change

Written by Super User 16 Nov 2013

This year is set aside by the International Prayer Movement as a year of prayer for Pakistan and Afghanistan. To assist this initiative some prayer points are listed here today:- *If the Taliban succeed, Afghanistan would again become a training base for international terrorism and affect many nations. Pray that the Taliban’s weapon supply is cut off and for confusion and disunity. * Foreign Aid. Pray that foreign aid pouring into Afghanistan will not be wasted through inefficiency nor diverted by corruption but will reach the neediest and rebuild the nation's shattered infrastructure. *60% of Afghans are under 20, have known nothing but war, long for education opportunities, employment and freedom of choice. Pray that they will be able to break free from Taliban and local warlords' control. May they provide new impetus to efforts of freedom and peace in the nation. *4.5 million refugees have returned, many bringing financial resources, international connections and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Pray: for the raising up of strong and effective leaders from the emerging generation in Afghanistan. (Ps.112:2)

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