Afghanistan: Persecution of Christians

Written by Super User 12 Jan 2011

Men are being imprisoned in Afghanistan because of their faith. Accused of converting from Islam they face life in prison or the death penalty. Two we know of from a reliable source have been held for over six months without trial or formal charges being filed against them. They appeared at an initial tribunal to hear the case against them, but the trial has since been put on hold and court documents sent to the prosecutor's office for review. Meanwhile the two men continue to be held and they and their families suffer. Compass Direct report; An Afghani amputee in prison for his Christian faith since May faced a judge on November 21st without legal representation or knowledge of the charges against him. It is not known the outcome of this case. Said Musa was arrested in May after the local TV station broadcast images of Afghan Christians being baptized and worshipping. There were other arrests in May and June during the ensuing man-hunt against Christians. See:

Pray: for their safety as they are held under very harsh conditions and for the Lord's strengthening of their faith. (Ps.7:1)


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