Tens of thousands of activists have been demonstrating against China's decision to only allow vetted candidates to run for elections on the island in 2017. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg will meet the Chinese ambassador later…
As winter draws closer, displaced families in the Gaza Strip are still waiting for reconstruction to begin on their homes. According to a statement by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA),…
In Luke 7, Jesus predicts that his encounter with a sinful woman will become famous throughout the world and throughout history. This woman washed His feet with an abundance of tears, anointed Him with embalming perfume…
Traditional healers and witchdoctors are contributing to the spread of Ebola. Terrified people from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea have been handing over large sums of cash in return for spells, potions and advice from those…
A small but high-risk group of radicals in Australia are causing concern to Corrective Services by preaching a misrepresented Islam to Aboriginal inmates in prisons. Sheikh Omar Habbouche said Islam was taught face-to-face and knowledge needed…
Japan has many of the world’s largest companies, the world’s third largest economy, and educated and peaceful population and is the second largest un-reached people group in the world. 1.5 million young people (mostly men) have…