Sudan: Pastors on trial

Written by Admin 2 21 May 2015
Sudan: Pastors on trial

Two South Sudanese pastors, Michael Yat and Peter Yen Reith, are on trial in Khartoum. They were detained by Sudan's National Intelligence and Security Service in December 2014 and January 2015 respectively and were charged with a range of criminal offences, including crimes against the State which are punishable by death, a life sentence or lesser detention and confiscation of property. A court hearing began on 19 May, but the prosecutor did not finish and will continue to present his evidence on 31 May. After this the defence lawyer will have an opportunity to present his case. He believes there is no real evidence against the two pastors for any of the charges. He also believes that the sole reason for the court case is the two pastors' exercise of their Christian faith. Christians in Sudan ask us to pray for God to protect the pastors and their families.

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