Jiang Tianyong, a prominent Chinese human rights lawyer has been jailed for two years, the latest conviction in Beijing's crackdown on rights activists. He was found guilty of inciting subversion of state power and defaming China's…
Uganda: Over 9,000 drop out after registering for PLE (Primary Leaving Examination) Pupils who pass their PLE exam can progress to secondary school. Primary school tuition is free but pupils, especially in rural areas, face serious…
UK documentary director David Cohen filmed Israel's humanitarian work treating victims of Syria's civil war. ‘Love Your Enemies’ was premiered at a special Westminster screening. It featured interviews with medics and patients of pioneering surgery on…
Lebanon has a delicate shared power tradition of a Maronite Christian President and Sunni Muslim Prime Minister. On 5th November Prime Minister Saad Hariri suddenly disappeared, fearing assassination and turned up in Saudi Arabia, claiming he…
Nearly 7,700 homes and buildings burned in Northern California’s unprecedented wildfires. Like many others, they had minutes to grab important documents and photo albums. ‘The day after the fire my mother-in-law spent the afternoon searching through…
Over 700 languages are spoken in Indonesia and people are scattered across 6,000 islands varying in composition from rural fishing villages to highly metropolitan mega cities. Persecution is a reality for many believers in the most…