In Bali huge plumes of smoke continue to stretch 1,500m above Mount Agung as eruptions and low frequency earthquakes continue. The eruption threat remains at its highest level but it is not known when a major…
Leaders of over fifty countries condemned US president Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and called on the world to respond by recognising East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine at an…
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s court case, at which she was expected to have her jail sentence extended, was postponed following the Foreign Secretary’s visit to Iran. Boris Johnson has said he held ‘worthwhile’ meetings in Tehran over the…
In October Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte declared Marawi city liberated from the terrorists led by Malaysian Mahmud bin Ahmad. Marawi is now battle-scarred and broken, after two months of fierce fighting destroyed half of the homes…
In 1995 the US passed the ‘Jerusalem Embassy Act,’ which formally recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and called for their embassy to move there from Tel Aviv. With overwhelming support it passed the Senate by 93…
Jesus is the central character in the Christmas story. But 15 million Mormons have a false understanding of Him, believing that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three gods. They believe the lie that salvation…