Recently CNN showed West African refugees in Libya being held by smugglers, mistreated, and sold ‘like cattle’ for £300. Also, Al Jazeera has reported that migrants are being traded in Libyan garages and car parks. Refugees…
Aid agencies are appealing for food, medicine, and construction materials for shelters as the latest round of violence against Rohingyas continues. One agency writes, ‘The situation constantly changes; we are delivering long-term aid within Myanmar for…
‘Nawaz Sharif has been ousted from government several times, but he has returned to Pakistan, leaving his wife in an English hospital dying of cancer. The High Court ousted him on corruption charges, and he is…
There are seven million Jehovah’s Witnesses in North America and Europe. They believe that Jesus is an inferior being, the Holy Spirit is simply a force of Jehovah, and that Jesus was resurrected in spirit, not…
The country’s leaders of different denominations say Zimbabwe is between a crisis and a kairos opportunity. They are calling for prayer for, peace, respect for human dignity, a transitional government of national unity, and national dialogue.…
The village where 305 worshippers were killed by Salafi militants on 24th November had been warned against hosting Sufi gatherings. Salafi Muslims follow an ultra-conservative Islam and believe Sufis are heretics. This attack, the worst in…