Displaying items by tag: Religion

Friday, 28 April 2017 02:43

Know your enemy

Satan has regular tactics. They have recurred across the ages. He loves to conceal himself. Therefore in our personal lives or national situation we could fail to spot him at work. We need to ask a simple question: is this situation creating fear, unbelief or uncertainty? Nationally, as the General Election approaches, there is a fear factor. We saw it dominating the arguments in the Referendum. We need to ask, ‘Is this the normal political hurly-burly or something more sinister?’ We can take a stance in our prayers and say ‘Lord, we stand against the spirit of fear, intimidation and manipulation’. We also see it in the fear of terrorist attacks. Terrorists create fear; we can pray for agents of fear to be brought into the light. Pray for God to enable the police and intelligence forces. Pray against the enemy’s lies and manipulation, particularly where potential terrorists are concerned.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 28 April 2017 02:17

Iran: election on 19 May

Ethnic Persians are born Muslim. It is illegal to run Christian activities in Farsi, the national language. Despite this, Christians from a Muslim background make up the largest group of Christians in Iran. A few years ago International Freedom of Religion or Belief reported, ‘There was cautious optimism when Hassan Rouhani became president that his influence would soften harsh policies toward religious and ethnic minorities. Sadly, his moderate language has not translated into any meaningful improvement.’ Since he is aiming for another term in office, many believe that next month’s elections pose an ultimate vote of confidence. Pray for political changes in Iran that will allow for freedom of religion. A Persian who leaves Islam can be sentenced to death if male, and life imprisonment if female. For many Muslim families, it is a disgrace when a family member converts. Pray for protection and provision for Christians who have been cursed and disowned by their families. See also:

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 April 2017 02:28

God’s plans for a time of political change

The day after Theresa May called a snap election, a declaration was posted on the website passionforthenation.uk. The following prayer is based on that declaration: ‘We decree that in every constituency, God’s purpose and God’s plans will be fulfilled. We come into agreement with God’s Word in Daniel 2: 21: “He (God) changes the times and the seasons, He removes kings and raises up kings, He gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those who have understanding.” We pray in Jesus’s name and declare that in the new Parliament, those and only those appointed by God will lead this nation. May they sound a distinct call, demonstrating vision, skill, and godly wisdom and understanding that others will follow. Proverbs 24:6 says, “You need guidance to wage war, and victory is won through many advisers”.’

Published in British Isles

The Evangelical Alliance (EA) has called on Christians to 'fully engage' in the general election and speak hopefully with vision for the future. They will release resources to help churches discuss the opportunities and challenges facing society, structured around the themes of love, freedom, justice and truth. Steve Clifford, EA’s general director, said that this election provides a chance for Christians to take part in debating the future of our society. ‘It’s a chance for us to speak hope into a society that is so often searching for meaning. Between now and 8 June we can consider what the political parties are proposing, and the vision they are offering for our society. We can have a society that is more loving than it is now, we can live in greater freedom than we currently know, we can see justice as a lifestyle and not a soundbite, and rediscover the power of truth as the basis of a society working for the common good.’

Published in British Isles

The Church of England's representative in Parliament has suggested Brexit could resolve 'inconsistencies' in the recent ruling on religious symbols. Last month the European Court said that the banning of any political, philosophical or religious sign in the workplace does not constitute direct discrimination (the test case regarded the wearing of a Muslim veil in Belgium). Caroline Spelman, Conservative MP for Meriden, said the CofE was very concerned by this decision. She said, ‘The ban conflicts with the pre-existing rulings of the Court of Human Rights. Presumably by leaving the European Union, we stand some chance of resolving these inconsistencies.’ Last month, PM Theresa May also questioned the European Court's ruling.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 April 2017 02:15

What the election means for Christians

A convincing win would strengthen the Government’s negotiating hand in the minds of European leaders who determine the terms offered post Brexit. Theresa May will expect another five years in power despite challenges on economic and social policies, fighting the election on a Brexit platform. Labour will say Conservatives are wrecking Britain with austerity measures and will campaign on NHS, social care and schools. Liberal Democrats want the softest Brexit and Scottish Nationalists want a majority as grounds for a second independence referendum. What part does ‘loving our neighbours’ play in UK government and politics? We can pray for more evidence of Godly values in the election campaign and its outcome, and for local candidates to be quizzed more on where they stand on moral and spiritual issues.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 April 2017 01:59

Irish government to shut down pro-life clinic

Ireland’s health minister said he is determined to shut down a pro-life crisis pregnancy centre run by Human Life International (HLI) after an undercover video sting by The Times of Ireland found pro-life counsellors linking abortion to trauma, breast cancer, and long-term regret. ‘I have been very clear that I want to see these agencies shut down. It makes me sick to the pit of my stomach. It’s not even false or misleading, it’s just wrong and disgusting so-called information being presented to women in extremely vulnerable situations.’ he told reporters. Another group, the Catholic Support Service (which is not connected to HLI), was also featured in the video. The outrage expressed by The Times and the health minister is interesting given that the majority of the claims made by the counsellors are true. Common sexually transmitted diseases that cause death if left untreated include AIDS, syphilis, and hepatitis. Three different pro-life centres, each run by different organisations, are now in the government's crosshairs.

Published in Europe

Although perhaps millions have been affected by it, few in the Northern Hemisphere have heard of the South African revival. The current movement is drawing huge crowds, especially men, to Christ. It is that there is a correlation between this move of the Spirit and a general understanding and support of Israel, to whom many Christians are indelibly attached. Churches across South Africa (black, white, English- and Afrikaans-speaking) are bursting with new life in a counter-cultural provocation to secularists, humanists and a corrupt government opposed to Israel and virtually cutting off diplomatic ties with the Jewish state. Angus Buchan stands out among the many leaders of this movement: a humble farmer / evangelist whom God called to focus on men, inviting both young and old men to weekend camps for seven consecutive years.

Published in Worldwide

Dr Mark Christian, a former prominent Egyptian Muslim (his great uncle was co-founder of Muslim Brotherhood), is a Christian lecturer who warns people of the impact of Islam on the world today. In a webinar hosted by the American Pastors Network, Christian explained how he began questioning Islam as a 23-year-old imam and later left the religion. He argues that organisations such as the Muslim Students' Association, the North American Islamic Trust, and the Islamic Society of North America are funded heavily by Muslim Brotherhood members in Egypt, Pakistan and other countries, who are attempting to persuade the American public to accept the Islamic agenda and even try to lure Christians into denying Jesus Christ.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 13 April 2017 17:18

BBC’s Easter religious programmes

Recently the BBC has received much criticism for its Christian content, but it has announced a range of new and returning religious programmes for Easter. The line-up of innovative documentaries, music, reflection and worship to mark this cornerstone of Christian faith include an emotional and personal journey to the Holy Land by Fern Britton, Franciscan Friars in Bradford, live worship from Hereford Cathedral, Revd Kate Bottley and the London Community Gospel Choir, and a Good Friday meditation with Revd Lucy Winkett. Such a wide range of programming across television and radio reflects the sanctity of Eastertide and the celebration of the resurrection.

Published in Praise Reports