Know your enemy

Written by David Fletcher 28 Apr 2017
Know your enemy

Satan has regular tactics. They have recurred across the ages. He loves to conceal himself. Therefore in our personal lives or national situation we could fail to spot him at work. We need to ask a simple question: is this situation creating fear, unbelief or uncertainty? Nationally, as the General Election approaches, there is a fear factor. We saw it dominating the arguments in the Referendum. We need to ask, ‘Is this the normal political hurly-burly or something more sinister?’ We can take a stance in our prayers and say ‘Lord, we stand against the spirit of fear, intimidation and manipulation’. We also see it in the fear of terrorist attacks. Terrorists create fear; we can pray for agents of fear to be brought into the light. Pray for God to enable the police and intelligence forces. Pray against the enemy’s lies and manipulation, particularly where potential terrorists are concerned.

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