Parents withdraw pupils from RE lessons

Written by David Fletcher 28 Apr 2017
Parents withdraw pupils from RE lessons

The Church of England has about 4,700 schools, educating about one million children each year. A senior CofE official has suggested that parents should lose the right to withdraw their children from RE lessons, because it is being exploited by those who do not want their offspring to learn about Islam and by parents with ‘fundamentalist’ beliefs who do not want their children to learn other world views. Derek Holloway, head of RE in the CofE’s education office, said pupils risked being left with little understanding of religious belief and without the skills to live in a modern and diverse country. This is not confined to any one particular religion or area of the country. At present parents can insist that their children take no part in RE lessons and do not have to provide a reason. Schools must comply with their request.

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