Northern Ireland crime increase

Written by Admin 2 13 May 2015
Northern Ireland crime increase

Crime across Northern Ireland has risen. In 2014/15 there were 94 victims as a result of paramilitary-style attacks, 24 more than the previous year. Drug seizure incidents increased, by 5.8%, and 2,831 people were arrested for drug offences. There were also increases in hate crime: for example, racist incidents increased by 374, from 982 to 1,356. Northern Ireland’s Deputy Chief Constable Drew Harris said, ‘We have seen a slight increase of 2.3% in recorded crime for 2014/15, which unfortunately is similar to the wider trend that is being experienced right across the UK. Like all public sector organisations, we are operating in an environment of reduced budgets and fewer personnel to deliver against the same volume of calls for service.'

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