People with learning disabilities 'targeted by groomers'

Written by Admin 2 13 May 2015
People with learning disabilities 'targeted by groomers'

An adult with Learning Disabilities (LD) is a vulnerable adult aged 18 years or over, who may be in need of community care and unable to protect themselves from harm or exploitation. Over the years most institutions have closed and vulnerable people have moved into more independent living. This carries risks. People with LD often live in blocks of flats in gang areas. It's like walking around with a label saying 'I'm a vulnerable person'. Mencap say that adults with LD are four times more likely to suffer sexual abuse. Police chiefs and disability groups are aware that people with LD are at risk of being targeted by groomers. Unfortunately, should friends or relatives of a victim of abuse alert social services or police on behalf of the victim, they are told, ‘We cannot do anything because the victim is an adult and can make their own choices’. 

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