Scotland - after the election

Written by Admin 2 13 May 2015
Scotland - after the election

The political landscape of Scotland has been recast. Many MSPs are no longer in parliament, and we can pray for them and their families as they come to terms with the disappointment and change. The Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill is due to have its First Stage debate in the Scottish Parliament by the end of May. We are asked to pray for Michael Matheson MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Justice, to include the criminalisation of payment for sex as a key aspect of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill. Also the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland meets in Edinburgh from 16 to 22 May. Commissioners are expected to make a final decision on the long-running issue of whether to allow the ordination and induction of ministers and deacons in same sex civil partnerships. This has already been approved by presbyteries, with 31 for and 14 against.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for Scotland’s leaders to govern with wisdom, integrity, justice and compassion. (Pr.2:6-8)