Sex shop opposed by locals

Written by Super User 11 Sep 2010

Hundreds of people turned out at a public meeting against plans for a sex shop near a small English village. Sex shop company Cocktails Limited wants to open a store close to Sawtry, which has a population of just 6,000. Local MP Shailesh Vara gave his support to locals who say a sex shop would ‘cast a shadow’ over Sawtry. Ward Councillor Darren Tysoe, who chaired the public meeting, said a ‘unanimous and strong message’ had been delivered that ‘we don’t want a sex shop in Sawtry’. The sex shop is planned for a former Little Chef building just off the A1. Keith Walters, a former councillor, said: ‘Sawtry is a quiet, rural, family-friendly village. ‘It’s not big enough to have a bank or building society and can’t have cable TV. But apparently, someone can impose a branch of the largest sex shops in Europe against our will.’

Pray: for the District Council to heed and respond positively to the views of the local people of Sawtry. (Ep.5:3)


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