Sexism is daily reality for girls, says Girlguiding

Written by Super User 01 Dec 2013

Sexism is so widespread in the UK that it affects "most aspects" of the lives of girls and young women, a report from Girlguiding says. "Sexual harassment is commonplace, girls' appearance is intensively scrutinised and their abilities are undermined," says the report. The report Equality for Girls is based on a survey of more than 1,200 girls and young women aged seven to 21. Girlguiding chief executive Julie Bentley called it a "wake-up call". She said: "This cannot be dismissed as something that girls and young women just have to deal with as they grow up." “Girls needed to live in an equal society if they were to flourish and fulfil their potential to be leaders in all walks of life”, added Ms Bentley. Girls identified sexism as a priority issue for their generation, with three-quarters saying sexism affected most areas of their lives, says the report.

Pray: for greater awareness of this problem and a serious commitment to overcoming such sexism.. (Gal.3:28)


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