Sex education materials should be licensed

Written by Super User 24 Mar 2011

Sex education resources should be licensed to ensure they are age-appropriate, an MP has said, following concern among parents about ‘inappropriate’ materials. Andrea Leadsom’s comments come in the same month that a report by The Christian Institute highlighted shocking resources being pushed by public bodies for use in schools. One such resource encourages primary school pupils to learn about anal intercourse, oral sex and prostitution. (See Prayer Alert 11-2011) Mrs Leadsom, the MP for South Northamptonshire, asked if the Education Secretary Michael Gove was ‘aware of the great concern of some parents about the inappropriate material being shown to their five-year-old and seven-year-old children under the guise of sex and relationship education’. Education Minister Tim Loughton replied, saying he shared some of her concerns. He noted the current Government review into personal, social and health education, of which sex and relationship education is a key part, and said he would welcome the MP’s further input into the review.

Pray: that those in authority will be given Godly insight when preparing teaching materials for the young. (Pr.3:21)


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