Forced marriages 'at record high'

Written by Super User 10 Mar 2011

dealing with the largest number of cases of forced marriage and honour-based violence they have ever seen. In the past 12 months, the Force has dealt with 49 cases of forced marriage, up from a typical 30-35, with new cases almost every week. The four Welsh Forces have been involved in about 60 cases, with four in north Wales in six months. The figures are released to coincide with International Women's Day. A forced marriage, as opposed to an arranged marriage, is where either bride or groom, or both, do not consent to a wedding and are coerced into accepting it. In many cases they are told they will bring their family shame or dishonour if they refuse. Ch. Supt. Neil Kinrade, head of South Wales Police's communities and partnerships department, said forced marriage was a ‘hidden harm’ among some sectors of the community.

Pray: for the police as they have to handle these difficult situations and for all those forced into marriage.


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