Forced labour investigations across Wales by Soca

Written by Super User 10 Oct 2011

Factories, farms and hotels could be forcing hundreds of people across Wales to work against their will. The Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) is conducting several investigations into forced labour across Wales, the BBC understands. These businesses could be breaking new anti-slavery laws and employers may end up in prison. The chair of the assembly's working group on people trafficking said boys as young as 16 were forced to work. Joyce Watson said along with government action, the onus was on employers to ensure forced labour did not take place. Anti-Slavery International estimates 5,000 people are in some form of forced labour across the UK. Most forced labour investigations have focused on women being trafficked into the British sex trade, but the BBC has learned Soca is investigating people being made to work in places such as factories, farms and hotels against their will.

Pray: for an end to forced labour in Wales and throughout the UK. (Gal.5:1)


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