Foodbank visits tripled in a year

Written by Super User 09 May 2013

Numbers visiting foodbanks have almost tripled in a year, according to Christian food crisis charity the Trussell Trust. At more than 350,000, the number was around 100,000 more than anticipated, the trust said. The rise is the biggest since the charity started its work in 2000. Foodbanks provide emergency aid for people who cannot feed themselves or their families. They are run by churches and community groups and rely on donations from local people. Clients are given three days worth of nutritionally balanced non-perishable food. According to the trust, the rising cost of living, static incomes, changes to benefits, underemployment and unemployment have meant increasing numbers of people in the UK have hit a crisis that forces them to go hungry. The rise in usage predates April’s welfare reforms, which could see numbers increase further in 2013-14. While the number of foodbanks has been rising – the Trussell Trust launches three new ones every week – established foodbanks are also seeing a dramatic rise in the number of their clients.

Pray: that the needs of those who are hungry will be met by the generosity of those that support the Foodbanks. (2Cor.9:11)



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