Former Lord Chancellor calls for marriage tax breaks

Written by Super User 19 Sep 2013

Lord Lawson has called for married couples to be recognised in the tax system, saying that the policy was the ‘most cost effective’ way of helping poor families. Writing in a report commissioned by Christian charity Care, the former Lord Chancellor said that ‘the case for transferable allowances remains as strong as ever, arguing that marriage tax breaks would be a better way to help low-income households than increasing personal allowances. ‘IA transferable allowance is not only family-friendly but provides a far more cost-effective means of reducing the tax burden on low-income households than can be achieved by an across-the-board increase in personal allowances,’ he said. The report, entitled ‘Independent Taxation – 25 years on, Does it meet today’s needs?’ argues that the current system results in families facing an unfair tax burden.

Pray: that the authorities will listen to the wisdom available from people like Lord Lawson. (Job.32;7)




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