Court hears ‘locked-in’ syndrome case

Written by Super User 22 Jun 2012

A High Court hearing has begun on the case of a paralysed man who wants legal protection for any doctor who helps to end his life. Tony Nicklinson, 58, from Wiltshire, suffers from locked-in syndrome brought on by a stroke in 2005. He is almost completely paralysed and has to communicate through a special computer. The High Court has heard similar cases on assisted suicide, but the extent of Mr Nicklinson’s paralysis means that a doctor would have to end his life for him, a practice known as euthanasia. Mr Nicklinson told the BBC that his life was a 'living nightmare' and that it was 'unacceptable' in 21st century Britain to be denied the right to take his own life because he was physically handicapped. Mr Nicklinson is asking the court to rule that the existing law breaches his human right to die at his own choosing.

Pray: for wisdom and guidance from God when debating this sensitive and difficult matter. (Jas.1:5)





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