Court to hear Christian radio advert ban case

Written by Super User 30 Jun 2011

A Christian radio station has been allowed to go to court to challenge a ban on an advert which asked Christians to report experiences of workplace marginalisation. The Radio Advertising Clearance Centre (RACC) banned the ad from being aired, ruling that it was ‘politically motivated’. But Premier Christian Radio rejects that, saying the ad addresses a legitimate issue faced by Christians. The ad was due to be aired during May 2010 in order to inform debate during the general election campaign. It said: ‘Surveys have shown that 60% of active Christians are being increasingly marginalised in the work place. We are concerned to get the most accurate data to inform the public debate. We will then use this data to help make a fairer society.’ The station was initially denied leave to challenge the ban in court, but that decision has now been overturned.

Pray: that this opportunity to challenge the ban on this advert would be successful. (Ps.20:2)


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