Court allows trial of sex shop next to school store

Written by Super User 05 May 2011

A sex shop that opened up next door to a school uniform store in Truro, Cornwall, will face a courtroom trial after Christians won permission to challenge the licensing decision. The sex shop owner tried to stop the case before it started, saying the shop is already stocked and trading. But last week the High Court nevertheless gave permission for a judicial review of Cornwall Council’s decision to grant a licence. Speaking in November about the legal action against Cornwall Council, The Christian Institute’s Simon Calvert said the case has national implications. He said: ‘There is a serious issue of principle at stake for the whole country, not just Cornwall.’ He added: ‘If it is OK to license shops to sell hard core porn next to premises routinely used by children and families, then nowhere is safe. What next, a sex shop adjacent to a nursery school?’

Pray: for the judicial review to recognise the case that Cornwall Council had ignored the suitability of the location requirement of the law. (Dt.16:20)


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