Couples fear ‘faith barrier’ in adoption systemMost people who seriously

Written by Super User 03 Dec 2013

consider adoption are ‘actively religious’, a Government survey shows, yet many fear being rejected for their faith. The survey was carried out on behalf of the Department for Education by adoption group First4Adoption. The group has joined with church-based organisation Home for Good to encourage religiously-active people to put themselves forward to adopt children. The survey showed 55 per cent of people in England who said they were ‘certain’ or ‘very likely’ to adopt described themselves as ‘actively practising a religion’ . There are more than 4,600 children in England currently waiting to be adopted and First4Adoption say ‘many more adopters are needed’. The groups have now set up a phone line to ‘encourage more people from faith communities to consider adopting‘. First4Adoption and Home for Good are concerned that many religiously-active people are held back from adopting because they mistakenly believe that they are not able to adopt.

Pray: for more people to consider adopting children and that more and more of them will be people of faith. (Pr.14:26)


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