Councils drop opening prayers

Written by Super User 28 Jun 2010

Leicester City Council, in addition to Enfield Council, has banned Christian prayers at the opening of council meetings. Colin Hall, Leicester’s new Lord Mayor and member of the National Secular Society (NSS) says: ‘I personally consider that religion, in whatever shape or form, has no role to play at all in the conduct of council business.’ Jayne Buckland, Mayor of Enfield, has chosen to replace the prayers with poetry readings in a bid to ‘support and encourage the arts'. Last month it was revealed (See Prayer Alert 1910) that the NSS was trying to use the courts to ban the North Devon Council of Bideford from starting its meetings with Christian prayers. London’s Mayor Boris Johnson slammed the NSS’s campaign, pointing out that Parliament has prayers before its meetings, and that it is helpful for both believers and non-believers. These examples reflect the growing influence of the NSS on our civil life.

Pray: that Christian prayers will be reintroduced by future civic leaders where they have been banned. Pray about the anti-Christian influence of the National Secular Society. (Lk.18:7-8)


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