Concern over NHS-backed sex text messaging

Written by Super User 17 Jan 2011

Children are receiving text messages with advice on sex from a taxpayer-funded service, in a scheme which has been accused of sidelining parents and undermining the age of consent. The free service is aimed at 13 to 25-year-olds, according to a national newspaper, and works by replying to messages young people send in. Norman Wells, Director of Family Education Trust, said: ‘Not only does it undermine parents by presenting itself as an authoritative source of advice on sex, relationships and sexual health, but it also fails to respect the age of consent by offering a service to children under 16.’ Mr Wells added: ‘the information provided is not even accurate. The website fails to tell visitors that condoms provide

much less protection against sexually transmitted infections than they do against pregnancy, and says nothing about the health benefits of keeping sex within a lifelong, mutually faithful relationship with an uninfected partner’.

Pray: for a more tightly regulated and sensitive service providing better quality care and advice. (Ps.103:18)


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