Concern over proposed changes to law on assisted suicide

Written by Super User 09 Jan 2012

Christian and pro-life groups are alarmed by proposals to allow assisted suicide for terminally ill people in England and Wales. The change is proposed in a report published today by the Commission on Assisted Dying, chaired by former justice secretary Lord Falconer. The report recommends allowing doctors to prescribe lethal doses of drugs to terminally ill patients who wish to die and have less than 12 months to live. The patient would have to be over the age of 18 and not deemed to be mentally impaired. The approval of two independent doctors would also be required. Dr Peter Saunders, Campaign Director of Care Not Killing said the investigation was ‘biased’ and the resulting report ‘seriously flawed’. ‘These recommendations if implemented will place vulnerable people under increased pressure to end their lives so as not to be a burden on others,’ he said. ‘The so-called right to die can so easily become the duty to die.’

Pray: for God’s guidance as this matter is debated and that the vulnerable will be protected. (Pr.13:14)



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