Bishops demand national ’safety net’ to protect child runaways

Written by Super User 26 Sep 2011

Police, teachers and councils are failing to protect tens of thousands of children who run away from home every year and face drug abuse or sexual exploitation on the streets, Church of England bishops have warned. In a letter published in The Daily Telegraph today. 33 bishops are backing a campaign calling on ministers to introduce a national ‘safety net’ to protect runaways from harm. More than one in 10 children in the UK runs away before they reach the age of 16, with 100,000 fleeing their homes every year, but most are never reported missing. Many runaways are forced to leave by their parents or are attempting to escape abusive homes. The campaign, organised by The Children’s Society, a leading charity, calls for a national action plan to ensure that schools, police, councils and health services prioritise the safety of child runaways.

Pray: for ministers to adopt the proposal for a national safety net as outlined by the bishops. (Mk.10 :16)


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