Bishops and MPs criticise High Court ruling on council prayers

Written by Super User 13 Feb 2012

Bishops and MPs have criticised the High Court’s landmark ban on prayers during council meetings. The High Court ruled that it was ‘unlawful’ to say prayers during the formal business at council meetings, following a judicial review initiated by the National Secular Society (NSS). Responding to the ruling, Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said that public authorities ‘should have the right to say prayers before meetings if they wish’. The former Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, was quoted by The Telegraph as saying that there was a ‘huge constitutional implication’ to the ruling. ‘Where will this stop – by a test case about prayer in Parliament? Prayers in Parliament are definitely part of the proceedings, they are recorded as such, they are on the order paper and part therefore of the constitutional arrangement of the country as the Queen in Parliament under God.’ (See also PA 49 2011)

Pray: for Christians to reclaim and assert the righty to prayer in public life. (Phl.4:6)


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