Bishops support White Ribbon Campaign

Written by Super User 25 Nov 2013

More than 60 bishops around the country wore a white ribbon last Monday to support the campaign dedicated to stamping out gender-based violence. Many visited local projects and used Twitter to raise awareness. The Bishop of Aston, the Rt Revd Andrew Watson, chair of the Panel for World Mission and the Anglican Communion, said he was delighted that so many bishops had taken up the challenge. He spoke about the White Ribbon Campaign and explaied how he had been approached by colleagues from the worldwide Anglican Communion who are concerned about gender violence. He visited the Birmingham and Solihull Women's Aid, meeting and talked with victims of abuse and those who support them. The White Ribbon campaign, originally started by a group of men, is being supported by a number of Christian organisations in this field. The Mothers' Union has produced an action pack and the organisation 'Restored' has developed its 'First Man Standing' campaign.

Pray: for all victims of gender violence and that the White Ribbon Campaign will make significant strides towards overcoming such abuse. (Ps.11:5)




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