Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 24 May 2018 23:59

Royal wedding sermon

Bishop Michael Curry’s sermon at the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex created a huge media reaction. Many UK newspapers quoted it on their front pages. The Sunday Times said that no one delivers a church sermon quite like a fire-breathing American revivalist preacher, while the Sunday Telegraph said that his sermon was ‘sure to wake royal wedding guests up. It was quite a gear change.’ Sky News described him as ‘the unexpected star of the wedding’. Thousands of people from across the nations are tweeting about his sermon on love: ‘Love, the love that comes from God in Christ, is the only way.’ If people were stunned by the presentation, the message of Christ’s love and God’s love for His creation got through to millions.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 24 May 2018 23:57

Protecting Uganda’s widows and orphans

Communities in Kampala are protecting widows and orphans from having their land stolen from them. Last year, International Justice Mission organised community dialogues about women’s and children’s property rights, to build the understanding that women and girls are also legally able to inherit land. One of the leaders of these discussions said that in his community a man died leaving behind a wife. Her neighbours who had participated in the discussions carried the man’s casket at the funeral and wore t-shirts which read ‘Stop Land Grabbing,’ sending the message to the community that no one should touch the widow’s land. In the past, after a death, a widow and her children were forced off their land. Now they have justice.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 18 May 2018 11:22

Christians can wear a cross at work

Thank God! Christians have finally been told they can wear crosses and religious symbols at work. New official guidance will warn that dress codes will NOT be allowed to ban such items. Non-compliant companies could be fined or forced to pay compensation. Equalities minister Victoria Atkins is rounding on religious intolerance as long as symbols do not interfere with the ability to do the job. She said: ‘Discrimination in the workplace is not only completely unacceptable but also against the law. We will not stand for it. Our society has a proud tradition of religious tolerance; I want to see that reflected in workplaces across the country.’ The Church of England welcomed this ‘sensible decision’, adding: ‘Christians who wish to show their faith by wearing a cross should be free to do so. Freedom of expression continues to be an important British value.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 18 May 2018 11:19

Commonwealth Games undergirded with prayer

The Australian Gold Coast recently hosted the Commonwealth Games. What many may not know is that local churches, with the help of Christians from other parts of the nation, undergirded the Games with prayer and evangelism. 43 churches engaged in the 24/7 prayer canopy for the games. The Gideons gave away 10,180 scriptures. Chaplains reported never having seen such hunger or such engagement during any previous Games. There were reports of a friendly, peaceful atmosphere in the village itself. The YWAM team reported 7,000 Gospels of Luke and 6,500 flyers handed out, 10,000 estimated meaningful conversations, and one baptism. Be encouraged and give God the glory! Read the full report on the ‘More’ link.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 11 May 2018 11:02

Progress towards ending child marriages

One of the UN’s sustainable development goals is to end child marriages by 2030, and UNICEF reported this month that approximately 25 million child marriages have been prevented in the past decade, with a substantial drop in the number of child marriages worldwide. While this is a great improvement, progress still needs to be accelerated significantly . At current rates, more than 150 million additional girls will marry before their 18th birthday by 2030. Without far more intensive and sustained action now from all parts of society, hundreds of millions more girls will suffer profound, permanent, and utterly unnecessary harm.

Published in Praise Reports

Three US citizens have been set free from prison by North Korea, according to a tweet on 9 May from US president Donald Trump. This is viewed as a goodwill gesture before a historic summit between Mr Trump and Kim Jong-un. Mr Trump greeted the men when they returned with secretary of state Mike Pompeo, who was in Pyongyang to arrange a date and location for the planned talks. Missionary Kim Hak-song, humanitarian worker Tony Kim, and pastor Kim Dong-chul boarded the plane ‘without assistance’, the White House said. They had been jailed for alleged anti-state activities and placed in labour camps.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 04 May 2018 11:36

International prayer for unreached peoples

All mighty spiritual revivals have had their roots in prayer. Years ago a missionary revivalist reported that in England he talked to a lady about the revival in China. She gave him certain dates when God specially pressed her to pray. He was startled to find that they were the very dates when God was doing his mightiest work in Manchuria and China. The day will come when the history of revival will be unveiled and show that it was brought about mainly by God's saints hidden away with Him in prayer. There will be an international prayer day for the unreached peoples of the world on 20 May. Will you pray? To find out more, go to

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 04 May 2018 11:34

Conflict and the Gospel

Conflict over land used by herdsmen and farmers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is sending thousands into Uganda. Wycliffe Associates in Uganda invited members of DRC people groups to learn Bible translation for their individual tribal dialect. People attending the workshops found that their neighbouring enemies were at the same workshop at the same time - then the Holy Spirit went to work, as they were being equipped to steward God’s Word for their people. The power of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit bring reconciliation. Many DRC tribal groups function without any written language: about 242 languages are spoken. Translators use translation recorders in French, the majority language, and then record the same portion of scripture in their dialect to share with their communities. Pastor David Platt said the greatest social injustice today is the 2 billion people who have never heard of God's redeeming love. Bible translation is addressing that injustice.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 27 April 2018 10:19

Royal baby arrives

On 23 April the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a 8lb 7oz son, the new brother for Prince George and Princess Charlotte and the fifth in line to the throne. May God bless Kate, William, and all of their children with love, peace, happiness and health.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 27 April 2018 01:13

The blessing of working together

God does amazing things through his Church, often when different denominations work together in unity. Christians who work in this way find they are blessed. This was shown when Bristol HOPE brought together 1,400 volunteers from 3 to 7 April, to take part in a city-wide mission in 25 communities on 170 community projects, 25 events, and 15 family fun days. It resulted in more than twenty people becoming Christians; they are now being followed up by local Bristol churches. The volunteers included 500 young people from Soul Survivor, serving alongside local churches and organisations to bless the local community, putting Jesus’ love into words and actions.

Published in Praise Reports