Displaying items by tag: Religion

Thursday, 30 April 2020 22:10

Missionaries are special

Missionary workers are a special kind of people: restless, visionary, with a touch of adventure and a rock-solid belief that the message of the Gospel deserves to be heard by everyone. The impact of the pandemic will be enormous in the predominantly poor areas where missionaries work and where social abstinence is not an option. They are used to badly stocked stores and substandard medical care, and accept situations as they occur. They give us hope and confidence that a transition in challenging times is possible. To read their encouraging stories, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 30 April 2020 22:06

Boris back at No 10

Boris Johnson has said, ‘The UK is at the moment of maximum risk in the coronavirus outbreak’. Speaking outside No 10 for the first time since recovering from the virus, he said we are now beginning to ‘turn the tide’ on the disease. But he refused to ‘throw away’ the public's ‘effort and sacrifice’ by relaxing the lockdown too soon. We can pray for God to continue to give him strength and stamina as he returns to work. Pray that he paces himself and has the discernment to acknowledge when to allow others to carry burdens for him. May God’s wisdom direct him in every decision and give him heaven’s strategies for the next phase. Pray also for MPs, advisors, civil servants, scientists, and economists to adopt workable policies. Let us also ask our Father in heaven to unite the members of every political party as they work towards unlocking the United Kingdom.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 30 April 2020 21:43

Christians in parliament

Christians in Parliament is an all-party group which exists to support all MPs and staff in their work in the Houses of Parliament through Bible study and prayer groups, one-to-one contact and chapel services, speaker events and discussion groups examining the truth and relevance of the Christian faith to personal and political life plus policy discussions and briefings informed by the Bible and Christian theology. Through lockdown our Christians in Parliament have still been functioning with the help of technology. Their online Tuesday lunchtime services are now operating via video-conferencing. On Tuesday 5 May Sir Gary Streeter MP will be preaching on ‘How to be right with God’, from Matthew 5:6. Please pray for more members of staff to join these meetings and be inspired to walk with God through troubled times.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 30 April 2020 21:40

Home abortions risk coercion

Christian Concern write: ‘For years, the abortion lobby has wanted to make home abortions a reality. Now that the Government has introduced them due to the coronavirus lockdown, abortion rights activists will be determined to keep DIY abortions in place long-term. On the surface, the policy makes abortions as convenient as possible - a goal of the pro-abortion lobby. Dr Gregory Gardner, supporting our High Court legal challenge of the Government's decision, says that home abortions risk real physical and psychological harm to the mother and increase the possibility of coerced abortions. Ann Widdecombe added, “This change is contrary to promises made immediately before parliament went into recess - thereby undermining its proper constitutional functions.”’ 4 May marks 52 years of abortion culture in the UK.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 30 April 2020 21:27

Denmark: a Bible which does not mention Israel

The Danish Bible Society has released a new translation of the Bible that omits dozens of references to Israel. It rewrites ‘the land of Israel’ as ‘the land of the Jews’ and the ‘People of Israel’ simply as ‘the Jews’. Defending the deletions, the society said they prevent confusion with the modern-day country, but other countries' names from that time, such as Egypt, have not been changed. There are 59 omissions out of 60 references to Israel in the Greek origin for New Testament texts. In other places, references to Israel are translated as referencing all of humanity. The Song of Ascents from the Book of Psalms, a popular Shabbat hymn for Jews, originally states, ‘He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.’ The new translation replaces Israel with the word ‘us’.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 30 April 2020 21:17

United Arab Emirates

The UAE is a federation of seven emirates, ruled by tribal Sheikhs or Emirs. The largest, richest emirate is Abu Dhabi with significant oil and gas reserves. The development of oil and financial industries has brought fabulous wealth and rapid modernisation. Millions from around the world work there. The pride of status and prestige is marked by using money to gain personal power and glory. Because Islam dominates public life, Christian converts often lose their inheritance and parental rights, are forced to marry, are fired or are required to work for free. To avoid the death penalty or other penalties, they often feel that they must hide their faith or flee to another country due to fears of persecution. Pray that the Christian English, Arabic, Urdu, Filipino and Indian language worship groups and congregations will attract newcomers even though evangelism is prohibited, and that non-Muslims can worship in dedicated buildings or private homes.

Published in Worldwide
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Thursday, 30 April 2020 21:08

India: US religious rights report

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) wants India, Nigeria, Russia, Syria and Vietnam to be put on a religious freedom blacklist and join the ranks of ‘countries of particular concern’. That would make them subject to sanctions if they do not improve their records. Countries already on this list include China, Iran, and North Korea. The commission noted that India’s nationalist government ‘allowed violence against minorities and their houses of worship to continue with impunity and tolerated hate speech and incitement to violence.’ Minority Christians have been among those targeted. It remained unclear whether the state department would follow the USCIRF's advice because India is an increasingly close US ally. The USCIRF's annual report is watched worldwide as an independent way of monitoring, analysing and reporting on threats to religious freedom abroad.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 April 2020 23:38

Faith and Police Together

Policing covers a vast range of issues. Often non-crime-related issues take up a considerable amount of time and resources where local needs are many and varied. Faith communities can help the police in numerous ways by engaging with and providing support to some of the most vulnerable within our communities. Within the National Policing Vision and Mission, faith communities can support them with their non-statutory requirements. The #FaithAndPoliceTogether vision is to see the police services in England and Wales work in partnership with faith groups to build safer communities and reduce demand. This will have an important role to play in bringing about community cohesion and transformation, The policing vision for 2025 stresses that the links between communities and police form the bedrock of British policing. These include parenting courses, youth services, addiction recovery services, supported housing, and much more.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 April 2020 23:30

New sex education regulations

The new relationships and sex education regulations, normalising same-sex relationships and gender fluidity to children as young as three, could become compulsory from September. However, schools are closed. The legally-required consultations with parents to determine schools’ policies have not taken place. Parents have the right to have their views heard, and have children educated in line with their religious belief. Many believe that the implementation of the regulations should be postponed until there have been proper consultations and reviews. An online petition has now been launched for the postponement of the implementation until parents have opportunities to have their views heard. To see the petition, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 April 2020 22:31

God is changing His Church

Suzanne Ferrett, head of Passion for the Nation, writes, ‘God is changing the face of His Church across this land. He is changing us in the hidden place so that we will reflect His glory in the visible place. We declare this is a season when He is calling His people into His presence, to know His heart, His ways and His desires, that a fresh revelation of the power of prayer will come to His people, and that the shifts and the changes He desires will be released within us and through us. Pray that as the Holy Spirit moves across His people in this day, we will change individually and corporately, that we will emerge from this season, carrying His heartbeat and the anointing which comes through time spent with Him, cleansed by the fire of God’s Spirit, pure in heart, spirit and soul.’ For the full text of her message, click on the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles