Displaying items by tag: Religion

Thursday, 14 May 2020 22:08

Reopening of places of worship?

In a recent tweet, Robert Jenrick, secretary of state for housing, communities and local government, said he will be meeting with religious leaders to plan the reopening of places of worship, whether for public worship or individual prayer. He said, ‘We will work together to agree how and when to do so, whilst protecting the public and controlling the virus.’ He said that private prayer could be allowed before buildings are opened up to the public. Currently places of worship in England are not expected to open before 4 July at the earliest. Bishops in Scotland have formed a Coronavirus working group to look at the best way of meeting long-term pastoral needs during the pandemic, but the Church is not expected to return to normal until 2021. They said that even when churches reopen, parish activities will still be greatly restricted. Pastoral working groups will identify and publicise advice or resources to help dioceses and parishes face fresh challenges in a safe manner.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 May 2020 21:27

Canada: day of prayer for the harvest

Canadian intercessors have invited the nations to join them in an online seven-hour prayer meeting to pray for the mobilising of the Church into the Great Commission as we emerge from the coronavirus restrictions. Numerous Canadian ministries and churches are linking arms to sponsor this full-day initiative. Prayer will be led by a wide variety of teams of senior leaders from across Canada, but every voice joining in and participating adds powerfully to the whole. This day of prayer will be on 21 May, Ascension Day, remembering when Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission, the mandate that has burned in the heart of the Church ever since.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 14 May 2020 21:15

Maldives: pray for change

The Maldives is Asia's smallest country by area and population, known for its lucrative tourism industry. Despite tourism, it is an extremely closed country which boasts of being 100 percent Islam and heavily represses Christian influence. Only a handful of secret believers live in the country, which is regarded as ‘fertile ground for recruitment’ to radical Islam. Dozens of Maldivians have joined IS. The 2019 elections had a surprising result when opposition leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih defeated the former president Abdulla Yameen, who now faces corruption charges. The new government has begun reforms. Give praise for the shake-up in the government. Pray that this may shake up the nation’s repressive laws and human rights abuses. Conversion to Christianity results in a loss of citizenship. Churches and Christian gatherings do not officially exist, and believers live in fear of being discovered. Pray for safety and religious freedom in the Maldives.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 May 2020 23:03

Hope for the countryside - seasons

Spring has burst forth in all of its beauty and splendour. Blossom still covers many hedges, and flowers have increased in size and structural complexity. Leaves have unfurled in their fresh, green shades as trees begin their yearly quest, hungry for the sun's rays. All this seems to be in total contrast to the lockdown restrictions that have been imposed on us all, and reflects the fact that God's Spirit is moving throughout the land equally unfettered. Give thanks that God loves to work for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. See the Lord enthroned in splendour, see Him high and lifted up, yet His touch is light and tender, His love an overflowing cup.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 07 May 2020 22:53

‘Light touch’ evangelism

The Freedom Church in Kingswood (Bristol) has set up Freedom Groups which meet weekly via Zoom. Church members in the groups are encouraged to invite neighbours to join. The church has also created a prayer line, Prayer4You, where people can contact the church for spiritual support. ‘We wanted to offer a bit more than a leaflet through the door offering help,’ explains associate pastor Revd Dr David Hull. ‘We wanted to offer the opportunity to engage in a light touch way with questions of faith.’ As well as places to talk, pastors record a short weekly video message for groups to watch. Each broadcast introduces a faith issue which the group can then discuss. ‘It is an opportunity for people outside the church to begin to think about and discuss questions of faith in any way they want to.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 07 May 2020 22:25

CofE failing the nation

500+ clergy and lay people signed a letter to the Times calling for a rethink to current guidance on church shutdown. They said that closed churches are stifling their prophetic witness and defence of the poor. They agreed that temporary closure of churches for public worship is necessary in the current crisis. However, the broadcast of services from a closed church is explicitly permitted by government guidelines and almost all other churches are doing this, but ‘the Church of England has gone beyond this advice’. Since the publication of this letter, the CofE has responded by issuing revised guidelines outlining the precautions which must be taken if a church building is being used for private prayer or streaming worship: see

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 May 2020 22:13

Israel: God TV threatened

Israel is threatening to shut down a Hebrew-language evangelical channel aiming ‘to take the gospel of Jesus into 700,000 Jewish households’. Under its newly issued license, Shelanu TV, an arm of God TV, is now prohibited from broadcasting content that subjects viewers to ‘undue influence.’ It is illegal to proselytise under-18s without gaining parental consent. The Likud party’s communications minister said that they will not allow missionary channels to operate in Israel under any circumstance, and has launched a comprehensive investigation to determine that no channel is violating the terms of its license: ‘if indeed this channel is engaged in missionary activities, it will be taken down immediately.’ Ron Kantor, Shelanu’s regional director, said his network had been entirely transparent during the licensing process. ‘I immediately asked them, 'Can we broadcast in Hebrew?' And the answer was an emphatic yes. We were told many times that laws have changed and there was no issue with our programming.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 May 2020 21:54

Kuwait: Ramadan and lockdown

The Kuwaiti government has imposed a nationwide curfew to contain the spread of coronavirus. On 6 May there were 485 new cases of infections, bringing the total to 6,289. Kuwaiti citizens enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world today with little persecution of Christians. There are approximately 200 Kuwaitis from a Christian heritage. Pray that during Ramadan God will give extraordinary opportunities for them to have spiritual conversations with their Muslim neighbours as fear of sickness spreads faster than the actual virus. Pray for spirit-led strategies for Christian service during lockdown and Ramadan, and that the message of Christ will reach many people through social media and other forms of technology.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 April 2020 22:15

Technology - the tool of the moment

Technology is a powerful tool for light and life in this pandemic. A surge in Google searches around the theme of hope and faith plus a phenomenal increase of people searching Christian websites means that more are hearing the Gospel. Global Media Outreach registered a 170% increase in clicks on search engine advertisements about finding hope. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and Campus Crusade (Cru) created special internet tools for ministry in the pandemic. Cru’s student page is expected to receive 20 million more visitors than last year, and BGEA’s outreach had 191,000+ online visitors and 11,000 decisions to accept Jesus as Saviour. See also Intercessor Focus: praying for the local church.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 30 April 2020 22:13

Hope for every home

During these days of isolation, United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) is now offering an alternative to the negative news bombarding us 24/7 by bringing a new radio programme, ‘Hope For Every Home’. Their vision is to spread God’s Word far and wide with real-life stories of what God is doing in people’s lives. Prayers of thanksgiving for all the good things happening right now, and celebration as they welcome the many new listeners receiving hope directly into their homes by listening to UCB Radio. They hope to reach more people than ever before with an hour of life-changing messages. To listen now, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports