Uruguay: Baby boy raised from the dead

Written by Admin 2 26 Apr 2012

The extraordinary story of a Uruguayan doctor who says she prayed for a baby and miraculously he came back to life. Dr. Marta Martínez a respected doctor from Montevideo, Uruguay said, ‘a baby boy had come to the hospital in a very bad condition, with malnutrition, dehydration and septicaemia. There appeared to be nothing we could do for him. While I was present, watching him at the moment of the death, I thought: It is better for him to die’. At that moment, I felt God speaking to me saying: He has the right to live. So, immediately, I put my hand over him, and started to pray and thank God he was 'resurrected' - he came back to life! It was an amazing miracle. I have also seen other healings and I believe in divine healing because, first of all, it is written in the Bible, and secondly I have seen others healed in a miraculous way and have also experienced it in my own body'..

Praise: God for His gift of miracles and the power of the Holy Spirit. (Mt.7:11)

More: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2012/s12040116.htm