Uruguay: Light in a dark place

Written by Admin 2 13 Jun 2013

Afro–Brazilian–Spiritism is the largest growing religion in Uruguay. However recently there has been a revival of Christianity and the number of evangelicals is growing in the midst of an epidemic of divorce, suicide and abortion. Last year a young woman imprisoned for drug trafficking found freedom in Christ behind bars. She was recently released with her two-year-old daughter and is attending a church north of Fray Bentos. This is thanks to the work of Rev Gonzalo and Leticia Soria and their team at La Trinidad church who do weekly visits to the local prison. ‘Baptism in a prison was a unique experience,’ Gonzalo said. ‘A dozen inmates accompanied Johana and her daughter and applauded as they were baptised.’ Now released, Johana and her daughter remain in faith.

Praise: God for the international work of prison ministries and ask for his continued protection over those who find Jesus in dark places. Pray also for more of God’s powerful Holy Spirit to fall across Uruguay. (Is.9:2)

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