Update on the Welsh Outpouring

Written by Admin 2 04 Oct 2013

There are updates from Victory Church Cwmbran on their Facebook page. The Prayer Bulletin reports ‘we are now well past the four month mark and new people are still flooding through the doors every evening! It’s amazing to witness God drawing people to experience this wonderful outpouring of God. In the last two nights, 45 people have come to Jesus Christ and put their faith in Him! We rejoice in this and praise Him for all that He is continuing to do. A whole family from India have been coming to the Outpouring and each time bringing more and more friends and relatives with them!’ One lady writes: ‘Last night was incredible at Victory. Even though I was saved 4 years ago, I have still been suffering from depression, due to abuse as a child. Last night Jesus told me that the ‘pain had gone, there is no more suffering’. I feel free and cleansed. Thank you Jesus.’ (See Prayer Alerts 19-20-22-25-28&32)

Praise:    God for His ongoing blessing at Cwmbran. (Ps.112:1)

More:    http://revivalmedia.org/2013/09/30/update-on-the-welsh-outpouring-320-report-1/