Update on revival spreading throughout Egypt

Written by Admin 2 16 Nov 2012

During the first weekend in Oct, 10,000 young people gathered in the desert 60 miles north of Cairo to sing, pray and worship the Lord. (See Prayer Alert 43-2012) The youth gathering was followed up with an even larger event at the same location - on Oct 25-28 ‘Count It Right’ Christian rally which drew 45,000 people. Included in the numbers reported by a Christian leader are: • 25,000 - estimated number of people who gave their lives to Jesus: • 8,000 - cards filled out by people who requested follow-up visits by churches: • 2-3 million - estimated number of people who followed the rally on two Christian satellite channels: • 1,000 - children participating in a special programme prepared for them: • 5,000 - people attending a one-day parallel festival on Oct. 25 in the Coptic Orthodox Cave Church: • 6,000 - people attending another similar gathering from different churches on Oct 28 in Assiut, a city located six hours south of Cairo. ‘Big numbers, but most important of all, a great harvest!' Source: via email. See also ‘More’ link.

Praise: God for the work of the Holy Spirit among the Egyptian people. (2Cor.13:14)

More: http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=5138667adad5222600bae0e66&id=80671a63ac&e=947657d957#mctoc1