Displaying items by tag: Praise

Friday, 19 April 2019 16:18

Prayer tent meetings catching fire

A movement of prayer tents has been spreading throughout the USA, as believers are motivated to get outside the walls of the church and into the streets to promote the truth about Jesus Christ. There is no pretence or preaching, no law or Christian jargon, no offerings are taken. Juan and Patty Tirado joined this movement after watching Todd White ‘let Jesus be Jesus’ in communities. They started prayer tents in parks and other local venues. Soon testimonies began pouring in. For instance a lady whose granddaughter was a captive in an unknown location asked for intercession. She came back to the Tirados to report that the very same night, the perpetrator was airlifted to a hospital and her granddaughter was able to escape. Police found her and took her to safety.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 April 2019 23:25

App is catching criminals

On 7 June 2018 we prayed for an awareness-raising phone app, commissioned by the CofE, to become a valuable part of intelligence gathering that combats an estimated 11,700+ people trapped in UK modern-day slavery - starting with car washes. To date, police have been alerted to 930 reports of potential modern-day slavery at car washes, thanks to the app. Users spotted potential signs of modern slavery or labour exploitation, which they marked off against the app checklist. Then they called the Modern Slavery Helpline anonymously to inform the authorities. Nottingham University said the application was downloaded 8,225 times during its first six months. Bishop Alastair Redfern said, ‘This research shows that the Safe Car Wash app has made an excellent start towards mapping the extent of modern slavery and labour exploitation in hand car washes, and, crucially, raising public awareness of this issue’. See

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 April 2019 23:22

Peter wins $1m: what he does next is beautiful

Franciscan friar Peter Tabichi, a science teacher in Kenya, won this year's $1million Global Teacher Prize. Not only is Peter an excellent teacher, he also gives 80% of his earnings to deprived students living in a region of severe drought and famine. He teaches high-schoolers in a school with no library or laboratory, and only one computer with limited internet access. Many students are orphans or come from a single-parent home. Tabichi views his award as a big win for Africa and all teachers and students who struggle every day with so many challenges. He will not keep the money for himself, but will use it to improve his school and feed the poor. ‘I intend to give it back to society; I intend to come up with projects that will seek to solve the problems facing the school and the community.'

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 04 April 2019 22:56

Miracles, signs and wonders in Alaska

In 1975 Billy Graham gave a prophetic word about Native Americans being the ‘sleeping giant’ that, when awakened, would help win America back to Christ. Craig Nicholia and his wife Rose are seeing that word fulfilled in Alaska. ‘God is pouring out His Spirit here. It's a harvest field that hasn't really been tapped into as far as souls are concerned. On a weekly basis, we're seeing signs, wonders and miracles - for Jesus' glory.’ In Fairbanks he is seeing the same power that healed his good friend Heidi Baker of multiple sclerosis over twenty years ago. He expects more of the same in June during a ten-day annual international Prophetic Fire conference which is expected to draw people from around the world to Fairbanks. ‘This is a move of God, not of man,’ Nicholia added.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 04 April 2019 22:54

Chinese hear gospel while working in Africa

Due to the influx of roughly 10,000 Chinese-owned companies into Africa, up to one million Chinese are hearing the gospel from African Christians and bringing their newfound religion home. While new religion regulations are in place in China to ‘block extremism’, African churches are reaching out to Chinese workers by incorporating Mandarin into services; the Chinese have welcomed the sense of community and belonging that Christian churches offer. Also, missionaries from Taiwan are targeting Chinese nationals in Africa, preaching with a freedom they would never be allowed in the People's Republic. When evangelised Chinese Christians return home, they bring their new faith with them. There are an estimated 93 to 115 million Protestants currently in China. If current growth rates continue, the nation will soon have more Christians than any other country in the world.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 29 March 2019 00:03

God rescues 72 from firing squad

In Nigeria, Boko Haram captured 76 Muslim-background Christians. Four men were told at gunpoint to renounce Christ and revert to Islam. When they refused, they were shot in front of their families. Later the men’s wives were ordered to renounce Christ, or their children would be executed the next day. In the morning the children ran in, saying Jesus told them in the night that ‘all would be well’. Then Jesus appeared to them all and told them He would protect them. When the mothers again refused to renounce Christianity their children were lined up against a wall. As the soldiers took aim they suddenly grabbed their heads, screaming ‘Snakes!’ Some ran away, others dropped dead. A captive grabbed a gun and was about to fire at the fleeing militants but a child put her hand on his arm and said, ‘You don’t need to do that. Can’t you see the men in white fighting for us?’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 22 March 2019 10:14

Former IS leader has a ‘God dream’

Leading the Way ministry has reported that a ‘prince of IS’ has turned from terrorism to Jesus Christ. Mohammed asked ministry worker Peter to meet him, wanting to kill him. Despite the danger, Peter believed God wanted him to go, and boldly spoke the Word of Jesus to the IS leader. After the meeting Mohammed struggled to grasp what he’d heard about who God really is. He met him again, and told him he’d dreamt of a fragrant envelope dripping blood. Peter said God was telling him, ‘Blood had to be shed for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus is sending you a message and you need to give your life to Him.' At that moment Mohammed surrendered his life to Jesus.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 22 March 2019 10:11

Forty children miraculously shielded

A miracle story is emerging after a tornado struck Paducah, Kentucky, devastating a church building where forty preschool children and ten church staff were going about their day. The miracle? No one was killed or injured even though the roof was ripped off. As the storm raged around them, they sang songs like ‘Jesus loves me’ and ‘He's got the whole world in his hands’. The church suffered massive damage, but the only room not affected was the one where they were sheltering. By God's grace, they were kept safe. Later, members of the community showed up in droves to help the church begin its recovery efforts.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 15 March 2019 10:46

Algeria: answered prayer

Last week you prayed for the aged President Bouteflika to withdraw from standing in the next election, and for God to raise new leaders for the nation. On 12 March the state news agency reported that the president was withdrawing, and would not stand as a candidate in the next election. He has named the interior minister as the new prime minister, and plans to create a new government with a special body to draft a new constitution to respond to the protests. May God continue to bless Algeria with His purposes.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 15 March 2019 10:44

Nepal: God heals miraculously

Pastor Biju stopped to pray with 18-year-old deaf mute Tilak, who belongs to an unreached, unengaged people group. As he stretched out his arm to pray for him, he saw confusion in the boy’s eyes. Tilak had no way of communicating with others, and no context for what was about to happen. Pastor Biju gave Tilak a reassuring smile before he closed his eyes and focused his attention heavenward. He prayed for deliverance and healing, and as he did, he felt Tilak jerk away. The bewildered look on his face showed that something amazing had happened. Tilak was instantaneously, miraculously healed! Tears streamed down his face as he heard through his ears for the first time. He rushed to his mother, who heaved sobs of joy and relief. Her boy was healed, and it was all because of Jesus! The entire family became Christians that day.

Published in Praise Reports