Germany: refugees have no voice

Written by David Fletcher 04 Mar 2016
Germany: refugees have no voice

‘Christians and Muslim converts to Christianity have no voice’, says Pastor Gottfried Martens, whose church in Berlin is a ‘drop-in-centre’ for more than 1,000 Christian refugees. ‘In the refugee homes many Christians live in fear of Muslims who harass them verbally and physically, assault them, threaten them, and treat them as infidels or as animals. The Open Doors organisation is now conducting a nationwide survey in refugee homes and local communities on the conditions under which Christians have to live, and the results will be brought to the attention of the public. Although newspapers and television are now reporting on serious attacks, there is a thick veil over the hearts of our people such that there is no outcry against these crimes. Unfortunately the main churches are also not speaking out for the rights of Christian refugees and converts from Islam.' Note: three state elections on 13 March have been turned into a type of referendum on the chancellor’s refugee strategy.

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  • Pray: for Christian refugees to be accommodated in safety and security and to be protected from political injustice. Pray also for the elections on 13 March, and praise God for the help that Open Doors are giving to Christian refugees. (Pr.31:8)