Germany: a split of opinion

Written by David Fletcher 11 Mar 2016
Germany: a split of opinion

A German intercessor says: ‘Germany is divided into those for and those against taking in refugees. Ideological condemnation is common between ‘blue-eyed do-gooders’ and ‘small-minded backwoods people’. Hatred flares, violence spreads, and our citizens are committing criminal acts such as arson. The police are increasingly under attack, and a storm of anarchy is brewing. The refugee issue is leading to a political crisis and across the parties the right-wingers are gaining ground. With the potential entry of the ‘Alternativ fur Deutschland’ group into federal state parliaments, a ruling majority may only be possible with a grand coalition which will only increase frustration, ineffectiveness and lack of resolve in the government of the state. 2016 will be decisive. If there is a reduction of refugees due to government action the agitation could die down, the popularity of the Chancellor could rise, and the protesting parties diminish. If not, the country faces the risk of social unrest to the point of a state of anarchy.’

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