Belarus: Weak points of Christian media not reaching the lostAccording to the editor-in-chief of, the decay of morality in Belarus is happening because people live without God in their hearts, and this is the fault…
Brussels is the capital of Europe. But some are now calling it the Muslim capital of Europe. The graffiti on a building in Belgium say, ‘Welcome to ‘Belgistan.’ Muslims are the largest religious group in Brussels,…
Recently Bosnia donated more than 550 tons of surplus arms and ammunition to Iraq as part of its involvement in the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State militants. The donation was made on request from the United…
There are sixteen language groups in Bulgaria - the three main ones are Romani, Turkish, and Bulgarian. Gypsies are one of the major ethnic groups who, under the communist regime, were sent to ghettos to live…
The following is an English translation from a Croatian newspaper. A container with 5,200 pounds of clothing started early last week from Caritas Diocese of Dubrovnik to the needy in Tanzania. It is a charitable action…
Cyprus is mentioned numerous times in the Bible and Barnabas, one of the earliest Christian missionaries, was a native Cypriot. A 1974 Turkish invasion and occupation of the north has divided the island to this day,…