Liechtenstein: Evangelism and outreach needed

Written by Linda Digby 01 Jul 2015
Liechtenstein: Evangelism and outreach needed

In Liechtenstein freedom of religion is guaranteed and the Catholic Church is effectively the State Church. The religious diversity breakdown is 69% Catholic, 7% Muslim, 14% Non-Religious, 0.7% Orthodox and 9% Protestant. Let us claim the  scriptural promise in Philippians 2:10-11 for Liechtenstein! There does not appear to be much outreach by believers to members of the Muslim community, so let us seek the Lord for more labourers and an outpouring of His Spirit on this part of His vineyard. May they expand the work started thirty years ago.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for God to work through the political leaders of Liechtenstein, Prince Hans-Adam II, Prince-Regent Alois (his son), and Prime Minister Klaus Tschuetscher. (Phi.2:10-11)