Macedonia: Hard spiritual ground with new young shoots

Written by Linda Digby 01 Jul 2015
Macedonia: Hard spiritual ground with new young shoots

Historically, the Orthodox Church has had a strong influence in Macedonia. A harsh policy aimed at restricting religious groups (apart from Orthodox, Catholics and Muslims) was overturned in court in 1999, but some restrictions remain. There is a need for an unprecedented movement of the Holy Spirit in the Macedonian Orthodox church as well as among all churches in this country. There is a great spiritual battle going on for believers working to reach ethnic Albanians in the country. The opposition for the gospel is enormous and the soil of hearts is hard - yet God is doing amazing things in the universities. Pray that the ministry would see the first Albanian students come to Christ in the universities. Pray also that the believing students would not only be doing evangelism but making disciples and maturing spiritually.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for the first-fruits of ethnic Albanian students receiving Jesus as their saviour. Pray for an end to racial and ethnic tensions through a vibrant and growing Church. (2 Chronicles 7:14)